I Love to See the Temple!

I Love to See the Temple!
Of all the places the Gadd Family goes, the temple is the most important. Click on the picture to read one woman's feelings about the temple. Her testimony expresses perfectly the way our own family feels about the temple. We are excited to have one of God's holy houses so close to our own!

August 18, 2010

First Day of School 2010

This school year I've commited to being more organize.
Day 1 ~ Success!!!
Last night the girls set their clothes out, made their lunches (wahoo!), and put their bags together. Then, after a major family melt down, everyone got into bed on time.
Of course Cooper was up all night (why, oh why?). So when 6:30 am rolled around their were little people nudging me saying things like, "I need a belt, I think my new pants are too big," and "I don't want to tell you this, but I think these shoes are giving me blisters." To which I replied, "It's not time to get up leave me alone." To which they replied, "Ya it is!"
There's no rest for the weary!
But, they got out the door with a few minutes to spare. The best part of the morning ~ no yelling, fighting, or whining. Hooray!!!!
p.s. I know it's just the first day, but let's just pretend they'll all be this way, minus the baby up all night.
Cora working the 80's paint splatter top and lace edged leggings.

Maggie being her cute fashionable self and loving every minute of it.

Marlee sporting the "I don't have to do anything but play on the computer this morning" look.
Coupled with the, "I better put some shoes on quick so I can go see the school bus" look.
Little cutie!

August 15, 2010