I Love to See the Temple!

I Love to See the Temple!
Of all the places the Gadd Family goes, the temple is the most important. Click on the picture to read one woman's feelings about the temple. Her testimony expresses perfectly the way our own family feels about the temple. We are excited to have one of God's holy houses so close to our own!

February 14, 2009

It's time to catch up, and we'll start with the most important event.
Our New Year's Baby:
Cooper J Gadd
He was born on January 1st 2009, at 2:59 am in West Point, MS. He was 8lb 2oz, and 21" long. We were all so excited he was finally here and even more excited to have a little boy in the family.
He was the first baby of the year born in the "Golden Triangle." Everyone made a big deal about it. We were on the local news and interviewed by the newspaper. I think it's every woman's dream to be filmed for television six hours after giving birth. Luckily I had a heads up from the nurses and put a little make-up on. I can't find the clip of us on the news at the moment, but if I find it I'll post it. Here are some pics taken while the reporter was at the hospital.

Cora and her new favorite play thing. She is a big help, but also can't help herself. Without fail, if the Cooper is happy Cora can make him cry, just by giving him too much love.

Sweet Mags, ever the ideal big sister. She takes such good care of Cooper. Everday when she comes home from school she says, "How's my little Cooper?" and gives him a sweet little kiss.

The proud papa! Kevin couldn't possibly be more excited to have a son. He's already haveing grand visions of attending sporting events together, saturdays filled with college football, and of course watching Cooper play the many sports Kevin assumes he will be good at.
(I'm pretty excited for all this too, but don't tell)

Cooper, one day old. What a beautiful baby!


The Jacobs Family said...

Molly, you crack me up! I am still so excited for you, he is such a dollface!

Amanda XOX said...

Oh yay! A New Year's baby! What a call! Any free diapers and formula??

Missin you in LV,
