I Love to See the Temple!

I Love to See the Temple!
Of all the places the Gadd Family goes, the temple is the most important. Click on the picture to read one woman's feelings about the temple. Her testimony expresses perfectly the way our own family feels about the temple. We are excited to have one of God's holy houses so close to our own!

September 28, 2009

Our Past vs Our Future

Our Past = BYU
Kevin and I both grew up in Orem, UT in the shadows of the mountains and down the street from BYU. We've always been BYU football fans, and though it's sad to say, during college football season Kevin's mood on a Saturday is determined by the success (or failure) of the BYU football team.

Our Future = OU
Kevin is receiving his masters degree online from The University of Oklahoma. When he enrolled his exact words were this: "BYU has been letting me down my whole life. It's time to move on. I'm going to become an OU football fan." He then proceeded to buy OU football tickets FOR THE WHOLE SEASON! (he's crazy)

This is our family divided at the OU/BYU game.
We had a blast, but in the end there was no denying our roots, even for Kevin.
We heartily cheered for BYU the whole game and rejoiced in their unexpected victory!

The incredible Dallas Cowboys Stadium
Cora, Maggie, Cooper, Kevin, and Grandpa Jack


Christy said...

He finally decides to move on and they tease him with a victory...sounds like a ex-girlfriend. Move on Kevin, they will never be good for you.

Adam and Shalisa said...


Let the POUGARS go ... OU is the way of the future!

Erin said...

I am happy that you found a new team to love, but I'm also glad that you rooted for BYU. They are disappointing a lot, and I hear ya on the ruined Saturdays after bad games. But we still love them no matter what. It's unconditional.

Lauri said...

How fun to be able to be to that game!! It's hard to get the color blue out of your system. Even in the lean times we stay true blue!